Unisport Zero 1000ml (Nutrend)

  • Complete mineral and vitamins drink
  • Adjustable serving regarding sport
  • A wide range of minerals & vitamins for better hydration
Limited items

UNISPORT ZERO is a sugar free, slightly mineralized, concentrated sports beverage. It can be used as fluids replenishment during any sports activity. Because it is a hypotonic beverage, in a comparison with other beverages the fluids and minerals replenishment is faster.

A hypotonic beverage UNISPORT ZERO is enriched with a source of magnesium, sodium, and potassium macro-minerals. It also contains amino acids as taurine, L-carnitine and L-alanine as energy supply and mind stimulation.

UNISPORT ZERO is intended for body rehydration during any physical activity or during the day. People with diabetes type I. or II. can use this product too.

Magnesium positively influences the activity of the muscles, nervous system and heart Green tea extract helps reduce LDL cholesterol, stimulates the body and acts against the oxidizing effects of the environment Taurine helps lower the blood pressure and promotes stimulation of body and mind L-carnitine supports heart and brain activity, and due to this, fat tissue is better used during the physical activity. L-alanine enhances metabolism and acts as an energy supply

10 ml in 600-700ml water.

Maximum 50ml daily.

Ότι καλύτερο υπάρχει σε ηλεκτρολύτη !!!
Τόσο στην γεύση όσο και στην δουλειά που είναι φτιαγμένο να κάνει…!
Το συστήνω ανεπιφύλακτα.
Πολύ γευστικό έχω πάρει γεύση ροδάκινο!
πολύ καλό!!!!... Δεν το αλλάζω με τπτ!!!.... Έχω δοκιμάσει κ άλλα, καμία σύγκριση... Ελαφριές γεύσεις, πολλές δόσεις, χωρίς υδατάνθρακες, αν είναι κ αυτό το ζητούμενο (υπάρχει το αντίστοιχο κ με υδατάνθρακες)...
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